Injective hull

In mathematics, especially in the area of abstract algebra known as module theory, the injective hull (or injective envelope) of a module is both the smallest injective module containing it and the largest essential extension of it. Injective hulls were first described in (Eckmann & Schopf 1953), and are described in detail in the textbook (Lam 1999).



A module E is called the injective hull of a module M, if E is an essential extension of M, and E is injective. Here, the base ring is a ring with unity, though possibly non-commutative.


Every module M has an injective hull which is unique up to isomorphism. To be explicit, suppose f_1 \colon M \hookrightarrow E_1 and f_2 \colon M \hookrightarrow E_2 are both injective hulls. Then there is an isomorphism \phi \colon E_1 \to E_2 such that \phi\circ f_1 = f_2.


Uniform dimension and injective modules

An R module M has finite uniform dimension (=finite rank) n if and only if the injective hull of M is a finite direct sum of n indecomposable submodules.


More generally, let C be an abelian category. An object E is an injective hull of an object M if ME is an essential extension and E is an injective object. If C is locally small, satisfies Grothendieck's axiom AB5) and has enough injectives, then every object in C has an injective hull (these three conditions are satisfied by the category of modules over a ring).[1]

See also

External links


  1. ^ Section III.2 of (Mitchell 1965)
